Monday 6 July 2009

Sequel to Armageddon

Apparently, the F.B.I and C.I.A gathered Intel, from the same source that initially told them Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction, that those weapons left behind by deceased ex-Iraqi Prime Minister Saddam Hussein was somehow relocated from Iraqi soil to the moon. The American government fears that Al-Qaeda and other "terrorists" (notice the inverted commas, implying the controversy in the word terrorist) would remotely launch all those Nuclear Missiles from space and into earth's atmosphere with United States of America as its target. Now in order to prevent America getting obliterated, they've assembled a team based on my recommendation to dispatch to space in a Seek-and-Destroy mission, code-named Apollo 21.

[Click the Picture to Enlarge]

By using advanced high-technology science, their scientist managed to resurrect some of history's most feared people. And also, somehow unbogused Gollum and convinced Kim Jong-il to fight for America. Here's a group shot of them before getting catapult to space.

Oh come on Hitler, smile. Look even Gollum's smiling. Or smirking.

From left to right: Smeagol/Gollum, Tupac Amaru Shakur, Kim Jong-il, Adolf Hitler, Chuck Norris, Eikich Onizuka/Sorimachi Takashi.

In other news, those same scientist that resurrected the team for the mission Apollo 21 have been trying to find a cure for the grim phenomenon referred to as Conjoined Hands, a sub-catagory of its more known counterpart Conjoined Twins. Most victims of this unfortunate phenomenon are located in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan. Foreign scientists and historians have cited the cause of this to the controversial Nuclear Atomic bombing of those two prefectures back in dusks of WWII.

The reason why it remains an issue till today is due to the fact that America were on the brink of winning the war, after defeating Germany and their ally Italy. Furthermore, they have severed Japan's food supply by blocking all sea imports of food; the Japanese went one whole year without eating their staple, rice. It was only a matter of time that Japan would be forced to surrender. But instead of choosing the peaceful method of out-waiting the stubborn Japanese leaders, they hastily dropped the atomic which ended lives of thousands of innocents and continued to haunt many more that survived. More information on this miserable and tragic event can be found on Wikipedia, Commondreams and this Website.

Anyways, those scientists tried using other forms of nuclear radiation to counter the lingering effects of the horrid bombing. The results were confounding.

The patient's skin pigment began changing to a greenish-teal colour. In this green-state, they converse by replacing the personal pronoun with nouns or their name, avoiding all forms of verbs and excessively using the word "smash" and "crush". Fortunately, the patients only exhibit such signs when angered. A term has yet to be coined for this unusual transformation.

Since you've read this far, I shall reward you with the generic steps of how to create these double-exposure images. (For the Apollo 21 image, refer to this post)

Basically, it's about manipulation of layers; which the ranking of the layers determines which image belonging to that particular layer will appear first. So for example, Image_A is on Layer01, and Image_B is on Layer02. If Layer01 is above Layer02, then on the artboard Image_A will be above Image_B, and vice-versa.

Here comes the double-exposure bit. Under the Layer Tab, which can be found at the bottom-right corner of your screen, hit the triangle to reveal a set of options.

The one that I'm using is Linear Light. You might want to experiment on other options.

Of course, it goes without saying, that you should already have the images you want to double-expose on 2 seperate layers.

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