Thursday 2 July 2009


Once there was Man. Man met a Woman and fell in love. Man dedicates lifetime to Woman. But Woman had to migrate leaving Man behind. Fortunately Man found Facebook and their love survived. However, Woman broke up with Man due to Man only socialising with Woman at Facebook and not wanting to meet Woman personally. Man dedicates lifetime to Facebook.

Now the question we need to ask here is, why did Man dedicate his lifetime to Facebook?
Simple, it's because Facebook offers a plethora of simple easy-to-use online application to Man, that connects him with his old friends and new ones, and serves as a medium for socialising be it in the form of games, poking each other, tagging photos, and even real-time chatting. This, sadly, addicts Man to Facebook.

After spending a day using Facebook, Man discovered an application that allows him to create a Group/Cause of any kind where people of same interest can gather and rub shoulders with. Thereafter Man created 2 Groups, one of politics and the other of self-interest. Here are the links to both of them: JAPAN-x-KOREA and Arab-Israeli Conflict

Be sure to join and comment. I'll cover the details about Groups/Causes in another post.

N.B. Man is a fictitious character. Any resemblance to anyone is purely coincidental.

provided by my DMF tutor YokeEe and ME

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