Wednesday 8 July 2009

Last Bottle of Bird Food

It seems that I've overlooked certain info and details that I'd initially wanted to post. So instead of re-editing the earlier post, I'll make a new one. This shall cover the A.E.I.O.U Tweet, and provide you with more reasons as to why you should join Twitter.

A.E.I.O.U is an abbreviation for Already Existing Information Optimally Uploaded, and not your average vowel. This term is coined by an established professor in the field of Media Studies of the University of San Fransisco, David Silver. I hold him in high regards, and so too my tutor YokeEe, so you better do too. An AEIOU Tweet refers to, in the words of David Silver, "already existing information (blog posts, flickr sets, foghorn articles, USFtv clips) and optimally upload it to twitter. already existing information optimally uploaded, or aeiou, in 140 characters or less." If you prodigies still can't comprehend that simple explanation, then allow me to translate: what it means is to Tweet on any sort of information such as this, so that the world (or at least your followers) know that such information exists. I think it's an attempt at curbing the TMI problem, but I'm against the idea of TMI. You can never, and I mean not ever, have too much information in the world. Why? Read this.

Back to the topic. In 2007, David Silver was invited to the ACRL Conference in Baltimore to give a talk on his concept of A.E.I.O.U.
Albeit the conference was 2 years ago, there were fellow bloggers who commented on the event and David Silver's talk. Here are excerpts from 2 different sites:
David Silver from the University of San Francisco media studies department talked about what he called "already existing information optimally uploaded," or AEIOU, and encouraged librarians to consider blogging as a means of sharing and recombining information that's already available in other contexts (both digital and analog). I liked his emphasis on using online means of drawing students into the offline world, and the student projects he described that mingled blogging with some fairly extensive archival research at the library.
From Householdopera

He spoke about AEIOU, Already Existing Information Optimally Uploaded. His view is that information is being lost because it is not being presented in sense-making formats. He encouraged everyone to blog, although you may feel you have no time and no money; so much information is already out there, but it needs a voice, it needs to be made public to create new forms of knowledge.
From ALA

Well, that's about it for A.E.I.O.U. Now, more verbal induction in the form of additional links and a video, for those few who've yet to use Twitter.

Well this video "demonstrates the use of Twitter and Jott in the World Simulation, a radical experiment in education". It is somewhat fast paced, so you might want to re-watch it once and hit the pause button a couple of times. Marvel at the power that is Twitter.


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