Friday 10 July 2009

Oath Fulfilled

In an earlier post, I mentioned that I'll cover the details about my Facebook Groups in another post, so here we are.

When I first began Facebook-ing, I didn't know how to create a group. So to avoid anyone else falling into the same pit as I, here's some 101s to making a group/cause.

After logging into your account, locate a tab at the bottom of your screen, just above the status bar, and click Applications>Group. On the next screen, look for the +Creat a New Group button.

Thereof, its easy as ABZ. Fill in the required fields: Group Name, Description and Type of Group. And you're done. Upload an image as a display picture for your group. And since you're the creator, you're the Admin as well allowing you to edit/moderate your group anytime; you could also promote some of the members to be Admins.

and finally, What you can do now:
  • Create a Discussion.
  • Invite your friends to your group.
  • Add photos, links and videos for your group.
  • Create an Event.
Additional Tips:
For your group's display picture, you might want to create (using Photoshop/Illustrator) a logo, instead of Googling for an image, as I did initially. Here's an example of what I'm using.

Killer quote from Michael Franti

If your group characteristics permits, take/create a photo of yourself involved with anything about your group and add it in. Here's an illustration of what I mean.

[Photo Removed]

After creating an event, you might want to use the online-application Google Map so that those who're attending can easily find the location of the event. Though, you need to create a free Google account first. For my group I've created 2 maps:

Click Here for a better view. A map of only Isreal attacks on Gaza.
It was emotionally painful and mind-boggling to see such cruelty and savagery done to the innocents at this present era. I was particularly and most infuriated when i read these 2 articles: Israel Soldiers on Gaza: Excerpts and Breaking Silence on Gaza Abuse.

Click Here for a better view. A map of only Gaza's retalliation to Israel's attacks.
This reminds me of a quote in St. Augustine's book City of God, "Because I do it with one small ship, I am called a terrorist. You do it with a whole fleet and are called an emperor". Or smth along those lines. If only I have my own army...

So if you've yet to create a group, let alone joined Facebook, then do so now. Don't procrastinate. And if you've yet to join my groups, please do so. And add me while you're at it.

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