Thursday 23 July 2009

Post Mortem Report

This information is for the eyes of YokeEe and only hers, less she chooses to disclose it to people.

Assignment 1 Facebook
Blog Post on Assignment 1: Post 1. Link to Assignment 1: Link 1.

Assignemtn 2 Twitter
Blog Posts on Assignment 2: Post 1, Post 2. Link to Assignment 2: Link 1.

Assignment 3 Blog
Blog Post on Assignment 3: - . Link to Assignment 3: Link 1.

Assignment 4 Google Map
Blog Post on Assignment 4: Post 1. Links to Assignment 4: Link 1, Link 2.

Assignment 5 Image Editing
Blog Post on Assignment 5: Post 1. Link to Assignement 5: Link 1.

Assignment 6 Logo
Blog Post on Assignment 6: Post 1. Link to Assignment 6: Link 1.

Assignment 7 Audio Podcast
Blog Post on Assignment 7: Post 1. Links to Assignment 7: Link 1, Link 2.

Last Assignment Video
Blog Post on Last Assignment: Post 1. Links to Last Assignment: Link 1.

Other posts are class exercises.

DMF is
the best module i've taken since enrolling in poly
a pressure-less and stress-less module
most fun module ever

a billion thanks Yoke Ee, the icing on this DMF cake

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